5 Myths About Owning Parrots
I'd like to address five common misconceptions about keeping parrots as pets.
First, I'd like to share a short summary of my own story with parrots. I never wanted a bird. Yes, I said it. Being surrounded by birds in my home was daunting to say the least. I even built up a little bit of a phobia because one of those said birds kept attacking me. Yet, somehow... someway... I got into parrot ownership, and I'm never going back. When my cat passed away, I was left with a pretty big hole in my heart to fill. So, I started my deep dive into parrots. Why was everyone getting bit all the time? Why were parrots so loud? Why were parrots so messy? Eventually, I got my answers, and now I'd like to share some of what I've learned with you. Turns out parrots are vastly misunderstood, intelligent creatures.